What is Taekwondo?


Looking to find out more about Taekwondo? If “karate classes near me” or “Wylie Karate” have been frequent terms in your search bar, it’s high time to familiarize yourself with Master Choi’s World Class Taekwondo! Located in Murphy, TX, and catering to regions like Wylie, Plano, Richardson, and surrounding areas, Master Choi’s World Class Taekwondo […]

What is Taekwondo?

what is taekwondo

Tae  Kwon  Do (also known as Taekwondo) is the art of self defense that originated in Korea. It is recognized as one of the oldest forms of martial arts in the world, reaching back over 2,000 years. The name was selected for its appropriate description of the art: Tae  (foot), Kwon  (hand), Do  (art). So […]